Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Story of My Life

Honestly I haven't ever really blogged but I see my friends do it all the time so I was like now it's time for me to start my own. Most of my blogs on here are probably gonna be pretty random but I'm a random person! Anyways today.. Well i went to school of course, English was as usual but we didnt go outside today(sigh), then TL we started embroidering our tote bags! SO MUCH FUN! i think it's really cool to watch the embroider(?) do its thing, and my monogram turned out pretty good. Then off to History and had a quiz and oh my i really do think i failed, so i study and make flashcards and everything to help study but yet im making like a C in there. Any other study tips? Math of course the same monotonous routine. But the big thing i was proud of myself doing was at the end of the day this guy told me he started going to church. and he got saved. and i helped him do it I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!!!! isnt that amazing! it always brings tears to my eyes when i hear of someone just getting saved. Its truly a unforgettable experience! Also i asked this other guy if he would like to go to church with me and he said yes and im praying God will help me do the same. Its so A-H-MAZING being able to help someone come to know the Lord. What a long post? about what did i say? RANDOMNESS! Woo-Hoo! go random! Well i hope everyone has a awesome day!

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