Friday, April 9, 2010

Party Down

SO..... Laura( one of my besties) is over tonite AHH!!!!! yeah were going to rock our socks off tonight! We have just experienced a cry fest at the movies while seeing The Last song. It was truly a great movie but Miley Cyrus had to be in it but i tried to forget about it. It was so sad when her father died. Then we stuffed our faces full of casa. WAS FAB!!! and then we are about to start our pajama fest... then were going to head out for the creamy ice! yummmyyy! I hate how facbook can be so addicting! its so annoying. :)) Laura is working on some new dance moves of her and its pretty funny haha. So anyways the guy i like starred at me.. i mean yeah thats nothing big but i mean he barely knows me so im thinking its a start.... i know this seems stupid but hey its me..:))) Shall we prank call people?? i think so!.. So is it really true that you can get brain cancer from cell phones? or any phone?- im not sure if im buying this one or not.. comment cause im curious!! Gabby we miss you sorrry you couldnt make it.. and that i couldnt come to Atlanta with you to a dance convention.. hahahahaha what a classic joke... well better go, and I think tonight me and Laura are going to dream of lions in the african jungle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))) LOVE LAUGH AND PRAY! :))))))))))))))))))
ps- the colors are just random

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Story of My Life

Honestly I haven't ever really blogged but I see my friends do it all the time so I was like now it's time for me to start my own. Most of my blogs on here are probably gonna be pretty random but I'm a random person! Anyways today.. Well i went to school of course, English was as usual but we didnt go outside today(sigh), then TL we started embroidering our tote bags! SO MUCH FUN! i think it's really cool to watch the embroider(?) do its thing, and my monogram turned out pretty good. Then off to History and had a quiz and oh my i really do think i failed, so i study and make flashcards and everything to help study but yet im making like a C in there. Any other study tips? Math of course the same monotonous routine. But the big thing i was proud of myself doing was at the end of the day this guy told me he started going to church. and he got saved. and i helped him do it I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!!!! isnt that amazing! it always brings tears to my eyes when i hear of someone just getting saved. Its truly a unforgettable experience! Also i asked this other guy if he would like to go to church with me and he said yes and im praying God will help me do the same. Its so A-H-MAZING being able to help someone come to know the Lord. What a long post? about what did i say? RANDOMNESS! Woo-Hoo! go random! Well i hope everyone has a awesome day!